
第二十一篇 生命的全景 Chapter 21 The Panorama of Life

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第二十一篇 生命的景 Chapter 21 The Panorama of Life

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第二十一篇 生命的全景
Chapter 21 The Panorama of Life


All of us are very familiar with life because there are various lives surrounding us. The very space in which we are living now is the life space itself. However, the life we are familiar with has a much broader meaning and infinite secrets. With our current capabilities, we are still unable to go beyond this life space to get a full view of life and conduct any comprehensive overview and analysis of life.


At this juncture, we are still unable to grasp all the secrets of life, given the current ability of our small universe family group. However, with our continual effort in exploring life, we will be able to understand more and more mysteries of life.


Although there are limitations on our understanding of life, to our current knowledge, we have already known that life has the capacity to evolve unceasingly. This kind of evolution has surpassed the definition of “life elevation”, and is also different from the concept of life growth. It is actually the evolution of the origin of life itself, which represents the real sense of the transformation of life①. Such truth stimulates us, enabling us to know the direction of our elevation. With this direction, despite any difficulties and obstacles at any stage of life, we will be able to overcome them to fulfil our aspirations and get closer to our goals.


It can be said that the stratum of life is the most unstable one in this universe. Hereon, it is the mission of highly intelligent lives to mitigate and adjust these unstable factors, which culminates in the orderly and perpetual supply of those beneficial resources to the advanced existence. As to the appearance and embodiment of these advanced beings, we are currently incapable of knowing about it. However, we do know that life can make use of existing conditions to constantly provide more effective, much higher-frequency information and energies to them, thus making contributions to the upward development of the universe. This is fundamental knowledge about the stratum of life. With our ever-increasing capabilities, I believe we will gain a more comprehensive understanding of life.


In fact, in this phase, we  still have no ability to entirely depict a complete picture of life. We can only give an account of the known aspects of life so far so as to allow our fellow relatives to gain a conceptual understanding and cognition. This will help them move forward along the correct life paths and constantly explore towards a higher sphere.


Our small universe family is currently in a slightly backward stage as we are at the beginning of an upward development phase. In this respect, we lack the knowledge about the far reaches of the Truth. We can, nonetheless, rely on our own efforts to make greater contributions to the universe, thereby attaining more help and support from the related departments of the universe to allow us to acquire additional knowledge about the universe. It is only following this that our family group will then be able to rapidly progress upwards. This is the foremost mission of all members of our family group at this stage.



It is only when our small universe family group progresses to a higher level that we can contribute strongly towards the big universe. We must transcend ourselves through unremitting efforts to create our own greater value. This is the faith that runs through all hierarchies of our entire family group. Hopefully, this faith will be steadfast in the hearts of all our fellow family members, and let us cohere all of our strength to jointly explore the secrets of life and the universe. I believe that one day, the panorama of life will be entirely presented to us, allowing all family members to gain a complete appreciation of life from the vantage point we have not reached before, and together,  to praise the magnificence of life!

Received on March 9, 2017




① The real sense of the transformation of life: For every species of Life, there will be a corresponding setup when life is created. When a life has accomplished and perfected all its capabilities which the Creators have set during its journey, it will, through its own powerful ability, and with the help of the Creators, elevate its level of capability, and allow itself to be more capable of reflecting its own value in the universe.


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