
第二十二篇 信念 Chapter 22 Faith

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第二十二篇 信念 Chapter 22  Faith


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第二十二篇 信念
Chapter 22  Faith


“Faith” can bring infinite strength to a person and this strength can sustain him/her through his/her lifelong journey. If a person does not have any faith, he/she will be very difficult to find his/her direction in life. Therefore, faith can also be interpreted as hope.


Faith can give us not only hope but also strength. That is why faith can affect a person’s entire life. Of course, there is good faith or bad faith. Good one can lead us to become positive and unafraid of hardships; whereas bad one can make us rest on our laurels and just drift with the tides. As these two different types of faith lead us along two completely different life paths, it is up to fellow relatives to make their own right choices.


Living in this world, a person can choose to walk on the right path of life and rely on good faith to support himself/herself through all his/her life. No matter how big difficulty and hardship we encounter, we can count on good faith to get ourselves through these obstacles one after another. This is the effect of having good faith in our life.


Indeed, there is still a portion of people in this world who choose to walk on the wrong path of life. As they do not have the support of good faith , when they meet various kinds of difficulties during their life journey, they will take a liberal attitude towards themselves or give up hopes for themselves, thereby leading a life with even more ensuing difficulties. When a person's life is filled with negative information, it is hard for him/her to change his/her wrong faith. As a result, he/she is unable to find the right direction in his/her life. It is true that this kind of person does not hold positive information in his/her life, so he/she does not have good faith that encourages and motivates him/her to possess a positive spirit.


Thus it can be seen that accumulating positive information in our daily lives is so important, because this positive information can help us achieve bliss and happiness. Certainly, it also leads us to walk on the correct path of life. Although faith is vitally important in our life journey, accumulating positive information is fundamental. This is because only positive information is able to generate good faith which in turn helps us overcome every obstacle in our life journey, as well as enables us to stay in good condition and to be resilient in the face of adversity.



Although this article on "Faith" is short and simple, its meaning is significant as it points fellow relatives to the right direction in life, allowing you to choose the correct path in your life journey.

Received on March 9, 2017


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